Why Trump Ain’t Hitler.

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, LLM, ME, EMT

Okay, I’m tired of hearing people comparing Trump to Hitler.  Let me put this argument to rest, once and for all.  And for the record, although I’m Christian, my dad is a stingy Jewish WWII vet, I had a ‘sort-of’ Barmitzvah, and I love shopping at B&H in Manhattan for all my filmmaking needs thanks to the entrepreneurial prowess of the local Hasidics who created the go-to destination for filmmakers.  With that out of the way, let’s get down to business.

FIRST:  Let’s start with the silly basics: Hitler was Austrian; Trump is American.  Totally different nationalities.  Bet those calling Trump Hitler didn’t know Hitler was Austrian, did they?  Yup, raised in Vienna too.  And this is basic history about Hitler.  SOURCE: http://www.annefrank.org/en/Education/Teachers-portal/Pupilsquestions/Why-did-Hitler-hate-Jews/

SECOND:  Hitler wanted to banish all Jews by eliminating them; Trump wants to restrict the immigration of Muslims until they have been vetted to ensure they do not have malicious intentions against our countrymen.  Big difference.  HUGE difference.  While it can be argued that it was not Hitler’s initial intention to actually murder the Jews in the concentration camps, using this argument as a parallel with Trump is flawed.  First, Hitler was irrefutably anti-Jew.  He hated them all and felt they were inferior.  Trump, however is not anti-Muslim and does not feel Muslims are inferior: Trump is merely anti radicalized Muslim, as I am, and as any sane American should be.  There is a big difference between “all Muslims”, and “those Muslims trying to kill us”.  Trump wants to prevent the latter group from killing our families, and that may require some investigation.  Hitler wanted to ensure all Jews were gone.  ALL Jews.  See the difference?  SOURCE: http://www.historytoday.com/alan-farmer/hitler-and-holocaust

THIRD:  But Trump said, “DEPORT ALL MUSLIMS!”  Actually, Trump never said any such thing.  Here is the exact transcript from what he said in September of 2015:

A Trump supporter said, “We have a problem in this country, it’s called Muslims. We know our current president is one. You know, he’s not even an American. Birth certificate, man.” At that point, Trump said “Right.”  The man added: “We have training camps … where they want to kill us. That’s my question: When can we get rid of them?

“Trump’s response?


“We’re going to be looking at a lot of different things. You know, a lot of people are saying that, and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there. We’re going to look at that and plenty of other things,” Trump responded.

He NEVER said he was going to get rid of the Muslims.  Never.  He merely responded to the multi-part question that preceded it.  Look at the question.  “When can we get rid of them?”  Many news pundits used that word “them” to prove that Trump wants to deport all Muslims.  But look at the statement preceding it: the man asking the question is talking about the training camps, according to Trump’s answer.  When can we get rid of them?  Trump clearly thought the guy talking wanted to know when we could get rid of the training camps, not all the Muslims.  And heck, maybe that’s what the guy asking the questions meant too.

I challenge anyone to find a video of Trump saying, “We’re going to deport all the Muslims.” It was never said.  Case closed.

Need more proof?  As recently as March 2016, major news outlets have been forced to retract their stories stating that Trump stated all Muslims would be deported.  Here’s one from Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/trackers/2016-03-11/trump-says-he-d-deport-a-lot-of-muslims

Does Trump want to deport a lot of Muslims?  Yes, he does, and rightly so.  Nearly every group attempting to kill us via terrorism in the last ten years has been Muslim.  Ask any apologist to find any other religions conducting terror on the scale of Muslims and they can’t.  Or they cite lame wikipedia articles about The Lord’s Resistance Army https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord%27s_Resistance_Army trying to show Christian terrorism when even a quick read of the article states that the USA doesn’t even consider this group a terrorist group anymore.  Why?  Think about it.

Bottom line: Trump wanting to deport all the Muslims who are affiliated with terror groups does not make him Hitler; it makes him the only man currently running for president who I trust defending this country.

FOURTH: “But wait!  Trump DOES want to deport all the Mexicans!”, they cry.  “He IS like Hitler!”  Actually, no.  See, I’m a lawyer.  In law school, my job was to analyze and interpret case law so that in court, I could best represent my clients.  As a public defender, I did represent some truly terrible people who most clearly broke the law.  And I defended them, yes.  But you see, I never defended them for what they did.  I never defended their breaking the law.  I merely defended their rights and ensured justice was served in accordance with the laws as they currently stood.  If creatively interpreting the law and arguing the facts in interpretative ways allowed me to get my client a decreased sentence, I did so.  Was that immoral?  No, I was doing my job.

My job as a defense attorney was to exploit the system for my client’s benefit–and that is all within the law.  If the state could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that my client did what they claim he did: sorry, not guilty.  That’s the system we have, and I represented my client to the utmost within those parameters, and I promise that you would wish that I would do the same for you if you were accused of a heinous crime as well.

In most cases, though, guess what: my arguments fell on deaf ears.  The facts were the facts and the best I could do was negotiate a plea.  The vast majority of my clients ended up with plea bargains and reduced sentences, but here’s the key: THEY WERE STILL DEEMED GUILTY BY PLEA BARGAIN.  They admitted their guilt, and why?  They were guilty, and the evidence–DNA, prints, video, witnesses–more often than not proved it and they knew that a plea of a lesser conviction would be safer than going to trial and going to prison for years, or worse, decades.

My point: The Mexicans (and Guatemalans, Ecuadorians, etc.) coming over here and staying here illegally… ARE GUILTY.  They have no case whatsoever.  They can’t claim refugee status because South America, while a mess, is not THAT big of a mess.  Unless you can prove that the government is targeting you specifically, or that you in particular are in grave threat of danger, you can’t claim refugee status.  The vast majority are here illegally with no defense whatsoever to stand on.  THEY BROKE THE LAW.  I don’t care if you’re a ‘birther baby’ and your parents are here illegally: sorry, the law is the law, and the law allows those BORN HERE to be citizens; not the parents.  So sorry parents.  It may seem ‘cruel’, but I argue that what’s cruel is this birther law that allows these families to get into this mess in the first place.  Either the entire family becomes citizens (which I don’t support) or no one becomes a citizen (which is a far more rational and logical law).  But hey, the law right now is the law, so I’m sorry: if you came to America to have your baby and you (parents) stay here illegally: shame on you parents!

I will write far more about this illegal immigration situation soon, but for now, we’re just talking about Trump: wanting to deport these illegal immigrants is not racist; it’s being presidential.  That’s the job of the president: to enforce the laws.  Congress makes them.  The Supreme Court interprets them.  The President ensures they are executed.   So until the law changes, Trump would merely be doing what every president since the beginning of this country should have been doing: KICKING OUT THOSE WHO LEGALLY DO NOT BELONG HERE.

I have so many foreign friends who spent years navigating the difficult process of getting a green card and becoming an American… the legal way.  When I moved to Europe, I went (and stayed there) the legal way.  When I moved to China, I went (and stayed there) the legal way.  To me, every illegal is a slap in the face to those who worked their asses off to get here the responsible and honest way.   A friend of mine (who decided no longer to be my friend) lambasted me when I said this to her.  She said, “You are so privileged to grow up in the USA!  You have no idea what it’s like in the rest of the world.”  First, I do, having lived, worked, or traveled in some really rotten places in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.  Second, THAT IS NO EXCUSE!  Just because I’m having trouble paying my rent, that’s not an excuse to break the law and steal.  Just because I’m having a rough time, that’s no excuse to break a perfectly justifiable and good law (immigration law).  Anyone who argues that breaking the law to illegally enter and/or stay in a country has got serious moral problems.  It’s not that I’m lacking compassion, it’s that everyone else lacks common sense.

The best solution to the immigration problem?–I’ll save that for later, but let it be clear that Donald Trump is not racist simply because he wants to enforce an extremely logical immigration law designed to keep us safe and ensure jobs for those here legally.

FIFTH: “Yeah, but Trump hates women,” they cry, so he’s like Hitler.  “He hates so much!”  How so?  Because he criticizes Rosie O’Donnell?  Because he hates Hillary Clinton?  Because he believes a baby inside a woman’s body is a person?  Because he believes that Hillary Clinton should have disavowed her husband after the way he treated her?

Try as you may, sorry, none of these action or statements make him a woman hater.  Trump has raised some truly well behaved and polite children.  Have you ever heard of Ivanka or Tiffany bad mouthing him?  Why would that amazing woman Melania marry him if he’s such a jerk?  Why haven’t his ex-wives come out saying horrible things about him?  Answer: he’s not anti-woman.

“Yeah, but he went on all these dates with women when he was younger!”  All I can say is, so?  Is going on dates with many woman a clear indication that he hates woman?  Um, to me, seems like he likes women. ;D

LOOK: I can go on and on.  Trump is not Hitler, and to even suggest such is an insult to the millions of Jews who died in concentration camps all around Europe.  Trump is not Hitler, and even if he were, our amazing country would prevent anything like that ever happening again.  God bless our Founding Fathers and the separation of powers: there is virtually no way to imagine how Trump could in any way institute anything on the scale and horror of what Hitler did, even if he wanted to (and he doesn’t).  Congress would never in a million years approve any such crazy measure of mass executions.

So rest assured, Trump is not Hitler, and his presidency would not be the 4th Reich.  Keine Sorge, Mein Freund, Keine Sorge.  😀

Welcome to the Truth. The Divisive Truth.

My name is Monroe Mann and I used to have a Facebook Account.

Used to?

Yeah, I deleted it–and all of my 3000 ‘friends’ (who were not really my friends anyway)–irrevocably.  I didn’t deactivate: I DELETED IT.  It’s gone.


Well, I used to live in China.  As much as I love China, and 虽然我觉得中国真是非常棒,I moved back home in 2015 because I was tired of the pollution, and also the political censorship, in Shanghai (and in the rest of the country).  Those weren’t the only two reasons, but they were in the top five.

Well, I returned home to the USA only to discover that Facebook is doing… the exact same thing.  Sure, it’s a private company, but given its size and breadth now as a virtual nation-state, it has a responsibility to be a bit more than a ‘private company’.

Twice in the last six months, Facebook censored what I wrote, removed the post, removed all the comments, removed all the likes, and then went so far as to block me from posting for 24 hours, and prohibit me from even using the messaging feature to write and reply to those with whom I had already been in contact.  Real cool Facebook: removing a post is one thing.  Gagging me from speaking further is just preposterous.

The first time it happened, I coughed it up to a one time occurrence.  When it happened again last week, I realized I did not want the benefit of their stupid service if it meant having to watch what I have to stay.

What did I write?

Here’s the post: “Poor Brussels.  Again.  Sorry people: this is why the world is really getting pissed off at Muslims.  Trump is right: Muslims and mosques need to be watched.  The Muslim world needs to start taking responsibility.  And yes, we need to destroy the families of ISIS–including their wives and children, because they are ALL involved.  I’m not racist: I’m being realistic.  And I am very very angry.”

It’s honestly nothing whatsoever for anyone to get upset about.  The truth is: ISIS absolutely undeniably is training women and children to kill Westerners–haven’t seen the videos, have you?  When I was serving in Iraq with the US Army, women and children were trying to kill us there too.

Look, I’m sorry that it’s offensive to some, but it shouldn’t be. Why?  Because it’s simply… the truth.  The divisive truth, yes, but that’s not because what I wrote was factually incorrect; it’s divisive simply because it was politically incorrect.

The world needs to wake up about a lot of things, and most pressingly these days, the threat from radical Islam.   In a future post, I (and I hope other writers who want to jump aboard) am going to start going even deeper, helping to show you that it’s not ‘radical Islam’ that’s the problem, but rather, Islam itself.  Again, politically incorrect, but only because it’s the… divisive truth.  If you don’t yet believe me, just keep returning to this blog and you’ll soon learn why even Winston Churchill was extremely wary of the religion.

This doesn’t mean I don’t like Muslims.  On the contrary, I have many friends of that religion, and many who are still in fact living in Iraq with whom I worked while training the Iraqi Army.  What I’m writing here is not a blanket statement meant to persecute all Muslims.  That’s the furthest thing from what I’m saying.

So what am I saying?

I’m saying that we need to destroy ISIS and any other Islamic group that is plotting to kill us.  Men.  Women.  Children.  This is war, and they are ALL combatants.  And unless we act first and destroy them–just as we did the Nazis, and just as we did in Japan with the H-bomb–they are going to destroy us.

I constantly hear peacenicks chatting away, “We can’t solve violence with violence!”  These people clearly have either historical amnesia, factual denial, or are just unwittingly ignorant, because throughout history, when dealing with psychopaths, the only way to stop them precisely IS violence.

If we didn’t use violence, all of Asia would be speaking Japanese right now, and all of the Western world would be speaking German.  Enough said.

This online journal is absolutely conservative.  In it, I will help to debunk the myth of global warming, peaceful Islam, the virtues of high taxes, abortion, and the list goes on.  Why?  Because I’m absolutely sick of the liberal media.  If you can’t change them… compete with them.  And so here we are.

Thanks for reading.  Check back often.  And please tell your friends about this website: http://www.DivisiveTruth.com.

And let’s hope WordPress is a little bit more ‘Free Speech’ than Facebook. 🙂

–Monroe Mann