Another “Great” Quote from the American Left: John F. Kennedy


John F. Kennedy wrote the following in his journals about his three visits to Nazi Germany: first, in 1937 (two years before World War II broke out), then again in 1939 (the year the war broke out), and finally, in 1945 (immediately after the war ended).


I went to the JFK Library and read the journal entries direct from the source, and transcribed and reproduced what I found below. The source I have discovered is cited nowhere else on the internet (even in the sources above).  During my research, I was surprised to discover that nearly every person on the internet got the quotations wrong, ignored one of the most damning quotations, changed Kennedy’s words, left out relevant parts, or tried to hide the truth by only sharing selective portions of the journal.  The primary source I cite is the JFK Library, because on this matter, there is no better source.   What follows are verbatim quotations from JFK’s journals.  For any naysayers who won’t actually visit the JFK library to verify, full screenshots of each journal entry page I cite can be found at the way bottom, showing the URL for the JFK Library in the browser window.


  1. Exhibit A:

“[I] went on to [Peacorys…???] since then, and have come to the decision that fascism is right for Germany and Italy, communism for Russia, and democracy for America & England (1937)…” – JFK, August 3, 1937 in Milan, Italy

Kennedy-FascismGood.pngAbove is the actual journal entry I found, direct from the JFK Library.  It’s hard to read, but you will see that it matches my transcription verbatim.

The media on the right have never shared this with the world because it appears most journalists have not been able to find Kennedy’s journals to see the proof firsthand, under the impression that the journals were put up for auction.  The media on the left have never shared it because if widely disseminated, it tarnishes Kennedy’s reputation greatly.  Well, I have found the primary source, deciphered his writing, and verified it all firsthand right on the JFK Library website itself.

2. But there is more that the fake news does not want you to see.  JFK’s journal entries from his own hand go on as follows:

“We then returned to Rome – and had dinner at [Galezzi’s?].  He gave me gin & a talk about the virtues of fascism and it really seemed to have its points, especially the cooperative system which seems quite an interesting step forward.” JFK, August 7, 1937 in Rome, Italy

Don’t believe me?  Scroll down a few inches.  I found that entry (photographed below verbatim) directly on the JFK Library–and one that you won’t find ANYWHERE else on the internet.  You read it first here, at the divisive truth.  Wanna read the whole page for yourself?  Scroll to the bottom of this post.  Or, go directly to the library.  Once in the diary, push the right arrow 80 times to the right to find it.  August 7th.  Feel free to follow along with my transcription above:


Interesting stuff. Looks like fascism isn’t so “right-wing” after all.

3. Here’s another JFK quotation, same source:

“All the [?] are very attractive, showing that the Nordic races certainly seem superior to the Latins.  The Germans really are too good–it makes people gang against them for protection.” – JFK, August 21, 1937 in Wortenberg/Cologne, Germany


4. Finally, in 1945, after the war was over, Kennedy want back to Germany.  This time he said:

“Anyone who has visited these places can imagine how in a few years, Hitler will emerge from the hate that now surrounds him and come to be regarded as one of the most significant figures ever to have lived.  There was something mysterious about the way he lived and died which will outlive him and continue to flourish. He was made of the stuff of legends.” JFK, 1945, Germany

I do not have access to Kennedy’s 1945 journals at this time, but EVERY one of the secondary sources above (even the notoriously left CBS, NY Daily News, and the Washington Times) acknowledge that he said these very words.


DIVISIVE TRUTH: So let me get this straight, Mr. Kennedy: the Aryans are superior to the “Latins”, i.e. Italians and Spanish? 

KENNEDY: Isn’t it evident?

DIVISIVE TRUTH: You find virtues in fascism? 

KENNEDY: Don’t you?

DIVISIVE TRUTH: The world ganged against the Germans because the world was jealous of them?

KENNEDY: Well, don’t we all wish we were Aryan?

DIVISIVE TRUTH: Okay, changing gears.  You believe that Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him?

KENNEDY: Absolutely!  It’s all a big misunderstanding.

DIVISIVE TRUTH: And within a few years? 

KENNEDY: Give or take.  People have short memories.

DIVISIVE TRUTH: But what about the holocaust? 

KENNEDY: Hey, come on, let’s not focus on the bad, okay?  By 1950, he’ll be remembered as—

DIVISIVE TRUTH: Let me guess.  A legend?

KENNEDY: Yes!  Exactly! So we do see eye to eye!

DIVISIVE TRUTH: Okkkkaaayyy Weirdo! So what are your plans now?

KENNEDY: I’m thinking of running for President of the United States one of these days.  Gonna see about putting this European experiment to work in America!  Whatcha think?


For argument’s sake, let’s consider for a moment only Kennedy’s 1937 beliefs.  In this case, maybe we can forgive his startling views.  Why?  Well, surely anyone would have changed his views on fascism and Hitler by war’s end, right?


Kennedy didn’t.  

Noperama!  Kennedy defended Hitler even in 1945.

Some people from the secondary sources cited above try to defend Kennedy, saying that Kennedy was merely writing ‘as a historian’.  Okay, let’s say he was.  In that case, he’s a very disturbed historian who failed to recognize the evil that was 1937 Hitler before the war and who also failed to recognize the evil that still was Hitler after war’s end.

While Kennedy apparently tried to distance himself from and qualify his own statements later, I personally find the backtracking suspicious.  Kennedy knew full well about the horrors of the holocaust perpetuated at the hands of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis and yet… in 1945, Kennedy still chose to call Hitler a legend who will be forgiven in time.  There is no defending that–ever–particularly when taken in the context of the other three journal entries from 1937 (which all liberals refuse to discuss, because they are damning).

Bottom line: Kennedy saw the virtues of fascism.  He didn’t think Hitler was that bad a guy.  Hitler was in fact a legend apparently!  Kennedy’s political affiliation?  Let’s make it clear: a democrat.

You be the judge.


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This article series, “Another ‘Great’ Quote from the American Left” is presented by Divisive Truth founder and editor Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq.  It shares well-researched and verified quotations that you probably have not heard before from individuals of prominence on the American left.  Each quotation is meticulously researched to assure authenticity; we challenge you to find and present any evidence casting doubt on the veracity of any of the quotations shared in this series.

Oh: Please forward this blog link to anyone you know who would benefit from knowing this… divisive truth.


Please don’t be scared of President Trump: here’s my olive branch.

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, LLM, ME

Yes, I voted for Trump.

But today I write this as an American.  Specifically, as an American who knows the pain that half of America is feeling right now.  And as an American who wants to help build across the divide.

I wrote a text to some Hillary supporter friends of mine earlier.  Letting them know I still loved them, and that I was grateful for their friendship.  One was surprised that I wasn’t gloating that Trump had won, because all of his friends on Facebook were shoving it in his face.

This is what I wrote in response: “It’s funny you mention that.  Being off Facebook and Twitter [I deleted my accounts last year] has made me a better man.  It forces me to think more before making jerk reactions (Trump will need to learn that too, and I think his victory speech showed that he is becoming a better man too).  But I thought about gloating.  I really did.  But I realized that Hillary’s supporters are hurting and crying so much.  So painful.  I don’t want to add to that.  Their pain alone is already too much to bear.  And they are so scared that Trump is going to destroy this country and their way of life.  I want to be part of the solution and not the problem.  I reached out and offered my condolences and friendship to those I knew might be feeling pretty low, as I did to you.  I want everyone to give him a chance.  The best way to do that is to be restrained, polite, and empathetic.  Because I know that I would like your support and friendship if Trump had lost.  And he could have.  Up to the 11th hour.  I wouldn’t want to be kicked while I was down.  Maybe ten years ago, I would not have acted this way.  But today, it’s the type of person I tried to be.  We are all Americans.  Democrat and Republican and Independent.”

So today, I want to share three reasons why I believe you should give President-Elect Trump a chance.  I offer these as a measure of true friendship, from one countryman to another, with no agenda whatsoever.  And as sincerely as I possibly can.

  1. Please click this link:   This is a link to his campaign website’s exhaustive list of every policy he intends to implement.  Please, before you spend another day crying, first go here.  Read the truth about the policies he intends to implement–many may pleasantly surprise you.  You may not agree with all of them, but I have a feeling you will be less scared about what the future holds.  Moving forward knowing the FACTS of what he stands for, rather than speculation, will do a lot to calm your nerves  Do not read the newspapers.  Do not watch Fox News or CNN or MSNBC.  Just click that link above and read the facts from the official website.
  2. Please remember that I (and many other conservative Americans) lost in 2008, and again in 2012.  When Barack Obama was elected the first time, we thought our country was doomed.  When he was elected a second time, we despaired more than ever before.  Barack Obama to us was what Donald Trump is to you: SCARY AND UNFATHOMABLE. (I am merely talking about policies).  And yet, 8 years later… the country is still here.  Republicans are still here.  Democrats are still here.  And you are still here.  It sucks.  I know.  And words mean little right now.  But I want you to know that you will survice, and more importantly, America will survive.  Trump is going to build on what Obama started, and continue to fix America’s healthcare system.  Trump is going to build up our military and destroy ISIS to make our nation safer.  And yes, maybe he will deport some people who are here illegally, and yes, maybe he will build a wall, but he has repeatedly said that if these individuals are non-violent, and agree to promote American values, they can return… legally… through our immigration system.  Sure, some of these things may not be politically appealing to you, but I assure you, he will not destroy the world or cause WWIII.  As I have said to many people, you may think he’s crazy, but if so, then so do our enemies.  And we all know how we act around these types of peopoe: YOU DON’T PROVOKE A CRAZY PERSON.  Do you?  I don’t believe he is crazy, but let’s say he is.  If so, he is probably the safest person to have the nuclear codes because the rest of the world has no idea what he will do if they provoke him… so they won’t.  In some ways I jest, but overall, I’m telling the truth.   Mark my words: Just as I survived 8 years under Obama, you too will survive a mere 4 years under Trump.  And if he doesn’t do a good job, that’s why we have elections.  Don’t be angry at this result; instead, start preparing NOW for Election 2020.  Take your frustration and anger… and channel it into productivity towards the next election.  Because the race has already started.  And you do your party no good if you continue to mope around complaining.  What’s done is done.  He is Mr. President.  But if you work hard, you can put up a fight in 2020 and perhaps be consoling me!

  3. Be inspired.   Be inspired by all of the candidates.  I am totally serious.  Keep reading.I was inspired by Hillary Clinton tonight, as she graciously conceded while at the same time, motivated and inspired young women to realize how far she had come, and how far they can go.  We are going to have a female president in the near future, and why?  Because Hillary Clinton has paved the way.  This defeat for Clinton tonight was–to her–I can only imagine–DEBILITATING.  She has spent the last 30 years of her life working towards this.  And it turned at the 11th hour.  And yet, she gave the most amazing speech of her career.  A speech that showed me how to handle myself publicly when faced with a horrible upset of great magnitude.

    I was also inspired by Barack Obama, who shared the story in his speech of his transition into power in 2008, when George W. Bush graciously shook his hand, and showed him the ropes.  Obama went on to offer (and indeed demand of his staff) the same honorable treatment of Trump, once he begins the transition tomorrow.  Thanks to Obama, Trump has been provided legitimacy from day one.  I have learned from Obama that no matter the disappointment, and no matter the disagreements, there are some things greater than personal bones of contention.  In this case: the peaceful and legitimate transfer of power.  If Obama wanted, he could have made things very difficult and awkward for Trump.  But for the nation, he chose to take the upper hand, and I applaud him for it.  Not coincidentally, I too believe this was one of Obama’s best speeches.

    Not to be outdone, I was greatly inspired by Bernie Sanders, who proved to us all that passion, SINCERITY, and a plan can take you so far in life.  I know how much he cares for Americans, for America, and for the agenda he fought so hard for.  His sincerity won over the American people.  And I hate to admit it, but won me over too.  I would never have voted for him, but I respect the man tremendously.  Hats off to you Mr. Sanders.

    And I am inspired by Donald Trump (and all of America should be too).  Why?  Because he showed us that no matter what people say, no matter how bad the reviews, no matter who is turned against you, no matter how much the ridicule, and no matter WHAT the odds… you can still win.  No.  Matter.  What.  I know half of the country doesn’t like the man.  But I urge you all (as I am) to be inspired by him.  As many of you know, I have a part-time life in show business.  The rejection I have experienced over the last 20 years is simply devastating.  But… IN NO WAY AS HORRIBLE AS WHAT TRUMP HAD TO ENDURE FOR THESE LAST 18 ODD MONTHS.  Just think of all the times he should have, could have, would have quit.  HE NEVER QUIT.  No matter how bad it got.  HE NEVER QUIT.  ALL THE POLLS WERE WRONG.  THE MEDIA WAS ALL WRONG. ALL OF MY SHOWBIZ FRIENDS WERE WRONG.  EVERYONE WAS WRONG.  And you know that everyone told him to quit.  From day one.  But.  He.  Did.  Not.  Quit.  The little engine that could.  “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.”  And he did.  Thanks to Donald Trump, from this day until the day I die (and maybe not even then), I will make every effort to NEVER ever ever Ever EVER ever EVER again doubt myself.  Remember “Never Trump”?  Now in my mind, it’s the answer to a question.  “Quit?”  “Never. -Trump.”


    I know the pain is still there.
     And as Hillary said, that pain will be there for a while.  But I hope that these words I have shared with you show that we Trumpers aren’t so bad.  And neither is he.  Please give him a chance.  Please visit his website and read his policies.  Please remember that it’s not the end of the world… or the country.  If it’s not the result you wanted, get off you ass now and figure out how to win it next time.  And please remember the most important part of all: be inspired by it all.  By those who won, and yes, even those who lost.  There are valuable life (and patriotic) lessons for us all to learn from it all.

    God bless America.

    P.S. – If you’re a Trump supporter, please forward this to those in mourning.
    P.P.S. – I have been awake for over 36 hours straight and I am exhausted.  Gnight America.  Gnight world.

The 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Win The Presidential Election.

Contrary to all the naysayers, here are the top ten reasons why I believe Donald Trump is going to win the election (from least important to most important):

10) VOTING IS ANONYMOUS; POLLS TYPICALLY ARE NOT.  Most polling is done via telephone or in person.  Well, a new app just came out that has anonymous polling.  Trump wins in a landslide.—trump-win-election/88640044/

This one poll cannot be deemed a total game changer, but it did encourage me to ask “why”?  Why were these poll results so dramatically different?  It suddenly hit me like a thunder bolt: the poll was anonymous, unlike virtually every poll conducted by the media and regular pollsters.  And guess what else is anonymous?  VOTING.

In other words, any poll that is not anonymous should probably be suspect.  Why?  People who have their name attached to something do not speak completely freely.  We all know this from personal experience.

What does this mean?  It seems to point to the very real possibility that most people support Trump… but are afraid to say it publicly.  I think there is a silent majority, and unlike any we have seen before, and I truly believe that they are going to determine this election.

Trump is not the most amazing candidate in the history of politics by a long shot, but… neither is Hillary.  Polls continually show that they don’t trust Hillary, and Trump is undeniably in the midst of a turn-around.  For a guy who has never run for public office, he is doing incredibly well.  His message is reaching more people and his gawkiness is starting to fade: he is absolutely becoming presidential.  While the turnaround won’t be easy, it is starting, and I think it’s going to start picking up speed in the next few weeks.
There is no question that there are more damaging hacked documents to be dumped soon, and probably right before the election.  The NSA has already been hacked and the DNC has been hacked (you have been reading the news, right?) and soon, there’s more coming down the pike.  Read these articles:
The mass media, though they would like to believe they represent the common man’s belief, do not in any way represent the common man’s belief.
Why this unprecedented bias?  Simple: the mass media (which is the media of the left) just doesn’t like Trump and is so scared because they know he may win.
And yet… even the leftie media groups are now changing their tune and starting to cover negative stories about Hillary Clinton (see below).  Why?  Because they are starting to realize that their covering up of Hillary’s parade of scandals is starting to look bad and threatening to forever tarnish the reputation they spent so long building.
A friend of mine noted this fact the other day: many people call Trump racist and then say they are moving to Canada if Trump wins.  That’s curious.  Why not Mexico?  Is Mexico not good enough for them?  Too much crime?  Too much drugs?  Too many Mexicans?  Seems a little racist to immediately say Canada and not consider Mexico, does it not?
Here’s a better fact: just two weeks ago, a historically black church down south decided to dump Hillary and endorse Trump.  Go ahead and watch the CNN clip, and then watch the video from the endorsement from The Historic Antioch Road to Glory International Ministries:
I admit Trump says things that are unvarnished truth, but that doesn’t make him a racist.  He never said all mexicans are racists and murderers and it’s upsetting to me that people are so stupid or lazy as to continually misquote him.  He said that Mexico (and other Latin American countries) is sending their rapists and murderers over the border.  And guess what: they are.  How so?  By not keeping them in jail, by not policing their border, and by not making it lucrative to stay in Mexico.
I worked as a public defender in New York for two years.  At least 1/4 of my clients were illegals, and 95% were from Latin America.  Many of them have snuck over the border more than THREE TIMES.  How, I asked them.  “I just walk over the border”.  Whaaaatttt???!!!!!  Yeah, we need the wall.  No question.
Now, these clients of mine were accused of what?   Identity theft?  Not usually.  Check fraud?  Nope.  Violent crimes: murder, attempted murder, rape, armed robbery, and the list goes on.  Do you really want these people in your country?  I don’t.  Call me a racist if you want, but all I want to do is keep people who have no legal right to be in this country… out.  Same for Trump.
A large portion of crime in our country is committed by illegal hispanics.  Is that racist?  No, it’s fact.  Accept it and let’s enact the solution: keep illegals out.  It’s the law.  And voila: crime in America drops.
As for Muslims (men, women, children)?  I was in Iraq as a soldier.  Guess who was trying to kill me?  Muslim men.  Muslim women.  And even Muslim children.  The majority of terrorist acts today are committed by Muslims.  Again, is that racist?  No, it’s fact.  Accept it and let’s enact the solution: vet any Muslim coming into this country.  Is that profiling?  YES!  Yes it is!  And I embrace it fully, because it works.  And when Christians start committing inordinate amounts of terrorist acts too, profile me as much as you wish.
My honest hope for anyone who disagrees is that an illegal or a Muslim terrorist does NOT kill one of your loved ones.  As soon as it happens, you will change your tune.  Sadly, by then it will be too late.
The media continues to portray Clinton as an amazing debate performer, and Trump as a rambling buffoon, but I think the proof will be in the pudding.  Trump does press conference after press conference, while Hillary hasn’t done one in–what is it now?  256 days?  Oh, no, here’s a report from the Washington Post: 263 days!
Hillary Clinton is good at scripted and controlled environments; Trump thrives off of extemporaneous and impromptu remarks.  I truly believe he will destroy her.  Hard to believe, since the newspaper doesn’t report any bad stories about Clinton, but her scandals outshine any of Trump’s by a landslide.
For example, did you know when Bill left office, the Clintons took tens of thousands of dollars of White House furniture as their own, and then were forced to return it all:
Many continue to defend her actions, even after seeing her dishonesty with the emails and “recklessness” (Comey’s words) with classified data.  But now there’s more: Latest revelations from Washington Post & Fox make it clear that she is not going to put the country’s interests before her own:
Big problems for Hillary, from Fox News:
Millions of those who voted for Obama in order to enact Obamacare have now lost their coverage, lost their doctor, or lost their “low cost” premiums.  They, like millions of others across the country, are furious with where this country is headed and want a repeal.
From Slate:
From NPR/Harvard, via Powerline Blog:
But sorry, they don’t want socialistic change.  They want change to actually bring America back on track as the world leader its people want it to be.  On top of that, it seems clear that America is sick of politicians.  I know that I am.
Yes, America wants change, but not the change that Hillary Clinton is fighting for.  I find it hard to believe that most Americans want our country to become even more socialist, particularly since the recent failures of Obamacare show that it doesn’t work.
President Obama was an interesting experiment that didn’t work.  It’s now time for a new experiment.  Its name is Trump.
This last reason is truly the strongest.  Why?  The entire media all think he’s gonna lose. Don’t you therefore see?  This means he’s gonna win.
Why?  Becauuuuuuuuuuuuuuse… they have been wrong about him from day one.
Over a year ago, they were laughing at him, predicting he would meet his demise before the first debates.  Alas, he made it to the debates.
During the debates, they were laughing at him, predicting his demise long before the final debates.  Alas, he was the last man standing.
Before the convention, they predicted he would be supplanted by the ‘Never Trump’ campaign.  Alas, he became the nominee.
‘Gaffe’ after ‘gaffe’, they predicted he would never be able to recover.  Alas, he is still in the game, and the Clinton campaign is–despite their appearances–petrified of what the future holds.
So what do we have?  Over 14 months of TOTAL AND COMPLETE INACCURACY, and yet… they continue to make predictions.  Why are they still making predictions?  More concerning, why are the American people still believing them?  Don’t you all realize that the media has lost all its credibility?
The mainstream media continues to try to paint the picture of Trump as a born loser, but as I just pointed out: anything they predict… is wrong.
Critics of my theory state, “Yeah, but look at the polls!”  First, I don’t trust them (see # 10 above) and second, polls have only been accurate in NORMAL presidential elections.  What we have here is an election that no one from the mainstream media has been right about from the day Trump entered the arena.
Trump will win.
No, I can’t predict the future, but the telltale signs seem to make it clear that there is a very high likelihood that nothing in this election is truly as it seems.
People keep saying that Trump has lost his window to turn the tides in this election with only about 85 days left until the election.  Here’s some history: The Boston Tea party turned the tides against the British in just one day.  Normandy turned the tides in favor of the allies in but one day.  And Trump can win this election in just one day too.
As those in combat know, “Never underestimate your enemy.”  Too many are underestimating Trump, thinking he’s an idiot, when truly, you don’t turn a million dollars into billions by being an idiot, and anyone who disputes this is… an idiot who doesn’t understand money, doesn’t understand real estate, and doesn’t understand how difficult it is to do what Trump has done.
Sure, I may be proven wrong.  If so, I will sadly have to accept the fact that America is no longer what it once was; that its people are greatly uneducated and don’t know history; that its people have become lazy and expecting of socialistic handouts from the government; that honesty means nothing anymore; and that government corruption is acceptable.
I may, however, be proven right.  And particularly so if Trump wins in a landslide.  And then my faith in the human race will be restored!  Never more than now: God bless America.  Please God!  Please!
Bottom line, the future of our nation is at stake.  While I love Europe with all my heart, I don’t want the USA to be Europe.  While I love China with all my heart, I don’t want the USA to be China.  I want my country to return to its position as the beacon of hope and dreams for the world.  I don’t want the USA to become like every other country.  We are an exceptional nation.  We need to start acting like one.

The UK declares its independence: what’s next?

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, ME, LLM, EMT

I’m pleased to report that my prediction came true: the EU just lost a member and the UK is now a free and independent nation once again!  If you haven’t read what I wrote two days ago, I suggest you read that one first, about why Brexit came to be, to provide some context.  Read it here.

While most of the world is clamoring about how horrible Brexit is, and predicting that the British pound will never recover, blah blah, I continue to remind everyone that:

a) this was inevitable
b) this is good for the world
c) this is ultimately good for the UK, and
d) this is a harbinger of things to come, so if you didn’t like THIS, you may not like what comes next.

What comes next?  The UK regains its importance as world leader, side by side with the USA; a re-emergence of the pound as a world currency of great importance (being a part of the EU diminished its caché in the world); and yes, further erosion of the EU.

Granted, the UK has an easier time getting out of the EU simply because they don’t have to ‘recreate their currency’, but aside from that, there is no doubt that even countries within the eurozone are going to start having their own discussions about what is best for their unique PEOPLE, their unique LANGUAGES, their unique CULTURES, and their unique HISTORIES.  The EU just lost one of its two most powerful economies (the other, of course, being Germany, which is still a part of the EU and EMU… but for how long?).

Now, of course, there is a big difference between the UK and continental Europe.  I have, in fact, always believed that the UK has far more in common with the USA than it does with continental Europe.  The UK is an island.  The USA, while not an island, is only bordered on the northern and southern sides, and far away from all other continents to its east and west.  The UK and the USA share the same language and… in many ways, the same history too: former colonial relationship; major allies in World War II; and now, they have both declared independence from a great power.

Therefore, the EU will continue.  However, I believe its power has reached its zenith, unless the countries are willing to relinquish some political, military, and economic power in favor of a more traditional federal type of system.  As I mentioned in my earlier post however, this is highly unlikely to happen, due to the reasons of differing cultures, languages, and histories.  France has French pride in a way that New York does not have New York pride.  We New Yorkers are proud to be New Yorkers, but we are FAR more proud to be Americans, and again, therein lies the big difference.

Moving forward, the next question is: which country is going to start grumbling about the EU next?  Might it be one of the Scandinavian countries, so far north?  Might it be Germany itself, recognizing that the rest of the EU is dragging down their economy?  Or might it be one of the weaker economics of Spain, Portugal, Italy, or Greece, believing that their economic plight might actually improve if they could make their own decisions?

When the EU began, there was some merit to it, and it was a small bloc of countries.  Now, it seems every country and its cousin wants to join.  The very fact that the EU is even considering bringing Turkey into the EU is shocking.  It has nothing to do with the fact that Turkey is primarily a muslim nation.  It has to do with the fact that Turkey is not a part of Europe!  Sure, Istanbul is an amazingly beautiful city, and one that unlike any other in the world uniquely melds both the east and the west (and you NEED to go see it), but… Istanbul is but a sliver of the country.  It’s a gorgeous city on the FAR WESTERN EDGE of the country.  As soon as you leave Istanbul towards the east, you are most certainly in the middle east.  Guess what countries border Turkey to the east?  Maybe you’ve heard of them: Syria.  Iraq.  Um… Iran.  Take a look at a map.  If Turkey is admitted, what of those middle eastern countries is next?

Now, if Istanbul wanted to secede from Turkey (which is likely to never happen), that might be another story entirely, because there are indeed western influences in Istanbul that in many ways outweigh the eastern ones.  But to even consider bringing Turkey into the EU shows just how crazy things have gotten.

The original 1958 countries were: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands.  Five countries.  How many members are there today?  28.  Oh, scratch that: 27 once we remove the UK.   TWENTY SEVEN.

And guess who is on deck to become a member: Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Former Macedonia, and yes, Turkey.  But that’s not all.  There’s also Bosnia and Herzegovina, plus Kosovo.  It’s a mad house of countries who want the benefit of a unified currency, but refuse to unify the politics, the military, the languages, or the cultures.  Yet they want to grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger (but in a super strange and off-kilter sort of way that makes no sense whatsoever).

Why has the EU grown so big in the last 50+ years?  Precisely because the countries don’t really have to give up much of anything.  It’s a chimera.  They think they can get something for nothing.  They want to have their cake and eat it too (which is an expression I have never understood because it is illogical.  If I have a cake, what’s wrong with me eating it, huh?  I guess the point is that after you eat it, you will no longer have it, but it’s still stupid.  And yet, I used it nonetheless, so I’m a hypocrite!)  My point is that if becoming a part of the EU required the abandoning of a national language, and abandoning certain traditions, and unifying behind the culture of EUROPE rather than the culture of your country… no one would join.  Think about that for a moment: none of these countries wants to become “European”; they want to join the “European Union”.  Therein lies a huge difference.

A better (but never going to happen) solution would be to create smaller unifications, i.e. Germany and Austria join together into one TRUE country.  France and Spain.  Italy and Switzerland.  Let’s call them Germanria; Frain; and Italiland.  Ha ha.  Sounds pretty horrible, and guess what: that’s exactly why what is happening in Europe is just ultimately unworkable on a greater scale than it already is.  There can and never will be a unification of Europe.  That is, until and unless they rally behind a single president, which again, will not happen except by some miracle.

So what does this mean?  It means the EU needs to stop accepting new members.  It needs to establish VERY strict economic guidelines and if you don’t meet them, you get kicked out.  There can be no bailouts.  It needs to start focusing on creating a European identity that is greater than the national identities.  All of this is extremely difficult… if not impossible.

There is only one certainty regarding the future of the EU: if it continues to grow simply as an economic union, with no measures to unify in other ways—while it may not be destined for failure, it will certainly never be destined for greatness.  And that’s good.  As I’ve mentioned before, the greatness of Europe is not in its unification, but rather, in the individual awesomeness of every distinct country, language, culture, and history.  THAT is Europe.  Not some arbitrary and largely fake collection of countries who claim they are unified but in fact are anything but.

When I go to Europe, I’m not going to Europe: I’m going to France.  I’m going to Germany.  I’m going to Norway.  I’m going to Spain.  I’m going to Italy.  That’s the way it’s always been, and in all great likelihood, the way it’s always going to remain.

“Brexit” is just the beginning, and I predicted this over 15 years ago.

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, LLM, ME, EMT

In 1997, two years before EMU (European Monetary Union), I was a Washington semester student at American University, in DC.

I was on the verge of transferring from Furman University in Greenville, SC to Franklin College, in Lugano, Switzerland (what is now Franklin University, a joint Swiss/American University).  I was an international economics major.

For my research paper during this Washington semester program, I decided to research the European Monetary Union on Maastricht’s terms and timetable.  For my research, and with the assistance of the various embassies I contacted, I met–in person–with the economic or political attachés of over ten European countries.  I recorded each 60+ minute interview and transcribed every word.  The primary question: what do you think of the EU, the EMU, and will it all work?

My survey results?  It ain’t gonna work.

And tomorrow, we have one of the most historical events in the history of the modern world: A UK referendum to determine if the entire UK will forever leave the EU.

Note that there’s a difference between the EU and the EMU.  The UK is part of the EU, but not the EMU.  What does this mean?  It means that the UK (and some other countries within Europe) are part of the POLITICAL union (the EU), but are not part of the MONETARY union (the EMU, i.e. the Eurozone).  The UK is not part of the eurozone.  If you’ve ever been to England, or read the news, you know that the British Pound is still very much a transactional currency.  You can also find the Swiss Franc (and note that Switzerland isn’t even part of the EU, but it’s citizens can work elsewhere in Europe–see, it’s so damn complicated).


I am so excited for tomorrow!!!!!!

Have you heard of Boris Johnson?  Probably not.  He’s the leading dude pushing for the UK’s exit from the EU–the European Union.  He has an interesting way of framing the issue, using history as an example:

“Napoleon, Hitler, various other people tried this out, and it ends tragically.  The EU is an attempt to do this [unify Europe] by different methods.  But fundamentally what is lacking is the eternal problem, which is that there is no underlying loyalty to the idea of Europe.  There is no single authority that anybody respects or understands.  That is causing this massive democratic void.”

I agree with Boris Johnson, and I knew this was the case back in 1997!


Europe is not the United States.  I remember so many people back in 1997 arguing that the reason for the EU was to follow the example of the United States.

But (and it’s a huge “but”), the individual countries of Europe are the exact opposite of the individual states here in the USA.  You see, the big issues that I knew Europe would NEVER overcome are fourfold:
a) the differing languages (over 20)–the USA had one, and maybe a few second languages
b) the differing cultures (and each FAR more different than we have here in the different states)
c) the differing histories (while some may argue our states have different histories, their histories are in no way as colorful as the varied histories of the different European states)
d) the lack of unity (unlike Europe, we have forever been unified by our hatred for the Crown and that’s what we find in our declaration and in our constitution; Europe is unified by… nothing.  Atheism maybe, haha).

While I was a student at Franklin College in Switzerland, I often debated these issues with my professors and fellow students.  Most of the Europeans argued that none of this mattered.  And yet, then, as now, whenever I meet a European tourist in New York City, and ask, “Where are you from?”, what is the first answer?

Is it Europe?  Nope.

Their first answer, with a huge smile on their face, and a twinkle in their eyes, is–ta da–THEIR COUNTRY.

Never (not once in over 17 years, and note too that I’m a licensed NYC tour guide) has even one of these tourists said, “I’m European” or “I’m from Europe”.


Because “Europe” doesn’t exist.  It’s a geographical descriptor: there is no unifying language, culture, history, or beliefs.  To this very day, Germans are Germans, Italians are Italians, Norwegians are Norwegians, and French are French.  And none of them would consider themselves “Europeans” first.  Never.  Never.  I’ll say it again: Never.

And why?

Because each of these country’s citizens is proud (and rightly so) of their language, culture, heritage, history, and beliefs.  Let’s leave the holocaust and the Nazis out of this for a moment.  Actually, let’s not: many Germans like the EU.  Why?  It’s a check and balance on what happened under Hitler and the 3rd Reich.  But hey, it’s been more than 70 years since then, and Germans too (just like the Japanese in Asia) are itching to regain control of their countries.  I don’t blame them.

Here’s the bottom line: Yes, my belief is that tomorrow, the UK will no longer be a part of the EU.  I believe that that tomorrow will mark the beginning of the further disintegration of the EU, with a return to individual sovereignty.  Heck, it’s already begun with the near disintegration of the Schengen zone: the passport free zone created by the EU.  Well, since the Syrian and Iraqi crisis of refugee overrun, those borders have gone BACK UP.  The Europe today looks in so many ways like the Europe of not only 17 years ago, but 700 years ago.  It’s a mess.

Back in 1997, I knew (as did most of the embassy attachés with whom I spoke) that only if the Europeans were willing to unify under one true federal banner (like the United States did) would there ever be a lasting success in Europe.  That was never the case because Europeans were and are (and rightly so) too proud of their national heritage.  So there exists a strange quasi political banner waving in Brussels (the head of the EU) that really has no power whatsoever over the different countries.  It’s like another United Nations, where everyone assembles to complain and protest, but nothing ever gets done.

However–and this is the key: by refusing to unifying under one military; by refusing to unify under one president; and ultimately, by the sheer variety of languages, cultures, and histories… true European unity is likely to never ever happen.

But what about China?

China’s a whole different story.  Many say, “But look at China: they have over 100 different Chinese languages and so many varied cultural traditions, and yet, they have come together successfully!”  Wrong: China has one ‘president’.  China teaches all students in school one language (Mandarin).  China has one solitary and unified foreign policy.  And one single military.  And one set of laws.  And therein lies the big difference.

So yeah, I think tomorrow is the day continental Europe bids farewell to the EU.  If I’m wrong (and it’s possible, because the polls have been fluctuating around 50 % for / 50% against for weeks), it doesn’t mean I’m wrong: the very fact that this referendum has come this far shows that the EU is in biiiiig trouble.

Do you realize how absolutely wild tomorrow’s referendum is?  Consider an American simile: it would sort of be like if the citizens of my state of New York joined together to vote on whether to leave the United States and return to their colonial state, albeit without British rule.  Granted, it’s not an exact match, but I’m just trying to help you understand the seriousness of what is about to happen tomorrow.  IT IS HUGE.  The UK may soon be totally and completely separate from the EU!  Her Majesty’s Navy may soon be simply that!  HER MAJESTY’S!  

Mark my words: if the UK leaves, I guarantee before the year is over, there will be other referendums in the works.  And if the UK stays, it will be by the slimmest of margins, and I guarantee it won’t be the last country to vote whether the EU is worth the hassle.

Up above, I quoted Boris Johnson, and his comparison of what is happening to Napoleon and Hitler.  Don’t misunderstand: he’s not talking about world domination.  He’s simply noting that both Napolean and Hitler tried to unite Europe and great a European superstate.  They both failed.  The EU is round three.  Maybe round four, since the Roman Empire tried to do the same thing.

But what happens when an empire grows too big?  It collapses, because it can’t control the outskirt towns and villages.  It just becomes too unwieldy.

Many argue that the USA is on the brink of following in the footsteps of the Roman Empire.  I agree it’s possible: the reach of the federal government has grown so much farther than the founders ever intended thanks to the damn interstate commerce clause: I blame the commerce clause for the downfall of states’ rights and the rise of the federal superstate that we now have in America.  Yeah, you heard me commerce clause: SCREW YOU!

In fact, if the UK leaves the EU, I wouldn’t be surprised if it rekindles the states’ right movement here in the US.  If the UK can kick out their big brother EU, then so can we back here in the US.  We can learn a lot from our former colonizers, just as it seems they have learned from the 1776 lesson we gave them: FIGHT BACK AND DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE.

So on Thursday, June 23, 2016, WATCH THE NEWS.  It’s one of the world’s most exciting events in a really long time, and the result will shape the political face of the planet for years to come.

And don’t listen to the naysayers.  The UK’s leaving the EU will not destroy the British economy, or the world economy.  It might shake it up a bit for a while, but the world will stabilize once it realizes that a strong and independent UK is perhaps exactly what this world needs right now.  We need a strong and independent ally to help us destroy radical islamic terrorism.  Right now, it’s the wild west, and no one is willing to do anything about it.

And don’t worry: the EU was forever doomed to fail.  It may not happen today, or tomorrow, but I believe its zenith has come and gone.  Truly, I look SO forward to the return of independent countries in Europe.  The euro destroyed so much of Europe’s charm: traveling around with money from six different countries in your pocket.  Many called it cumbersome; I called it… adventure.

Oh, since we’re on the subject of independence, on the 24th (Friday) go check out Independence Day 2 in theaters!  I’m so excited!  (though I’m not looking forward to the Hillary Clinton doppelganger who looks and sounds just like her as president.  Clearly, the director and producer are making a statement that Hillary can take on aliens.  Let’s be honest: she can’t even take on terrorists; there’s no way I’d trust her trying to take on aliens.  As usual, she’d try the failed diplomatic approach and we’d all end up dead.  Just like with terrorists, Hillary thinks they are here to be our friend.  THEY ARE NOT HILLARY!  THEY ARE EVIL ALIENS AND THEY WANT TO KILL US!  DIDN’T YOU WATCH THE FIRST INDEPENDENCE DAY!  ALIENS ARE NOT OUR FRIEND!

How did we go from the economics of Brexit to talking about Hillary Clinton taking on aliens?  I have no idea.  I think I’m going to stop typing now.