In case you missed it…

Read these two articles.  Well worth your time:

Jackie Mason Blasts Hollywood’s ‘Phony F*cks’: All Weinstein Did Was ‘Imitate Bill Clinton’
Breitbart News

In this week’s exclusive clip for Breitbart News, Jackie weighs in on arguably the biggest scandal in Hollywood history that’s unfolded in the last two weeks, the Harvey Weinstein saga… but Jackie says he’s not sure what the outrage is all about, because we’ve seen this kind of thing before.

How do you get rid of Trump? An election, not the 25th Amendment.
The Independent

It appears that just as impeachment fever had started to break around the country, a 25th Amendment bug started going around. A few weeks ago, the University of Chicago’s Eric Posner argued that the “conventional understanding” of the amendment should be “enlarged” to include instances where both parties “lose confidence in the president’s ability to govern.”